Saturday, July 16, 2011

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 will be a category of technology integration that I will visit often. I learn about new Web 2.0 sites everyday through blogs and online newsletters. Here are two Web 2.0 resources that I recently came across in online newsletters. Coincidentally, both of these sites were created by David Kapuler, author of the technology blog Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero. You are going to want to bookmark quite a few of the sites mentioned.

Social Bookmarking

As you explore the technology sites on this blog, you may want to use a social bookmarking site so you have access to your favorite sites anywhere you are online. To learn more about social bookmarking visit 7 Things You Should Know About Social Bookmarking.
I have grouped some of my favorite education websites using the social bookmarking site I have organized the sites by categories. As I discover new worthwhile sites, I will add them to my site.


Hi, my name is Denise McLaughlin. I am the Computer Technology Educator for Thorntons Ferry School in Merrimack, New Hampshire. There are so many wonderful technology integration sites out on the Web that it can be overwhelming for teachers to search through them all when looking for technology integration ideas. This blog is my attempt to consolidate some of those wonderful sites and place technology tools at the fingertips of busy teachers. I will do my best to present an eclectic representation of how technology is being used effectively in classrooms around the country. I do not pretend to take credit for the ideas that appear on my blog as they are a compilation of technology integration ideas from dedicated professionals from numerous organizations across the country. Please feel free to share your comments about technology integration resources that you believe will enhance learning.